Jul 17, 2013

Kelimutu (1.639 M or 5.377 ft)

 Kelimutu is a volcano mount, close to the small town of Moni about 50 kilometers to the east of Ende, in the central Flores Island Indonesia.

Mount Kelimutu is an active volcano, inside the huge crater complex are three lakes filled with water in different colors.

First is Lake of Old People (Tiwu Ata Mbupu) at the western point of volcano typically blue. This lake is lying apart from the other two craters. The two other lakes share a crater wall. The Lake of Young Men and Maidens (Tiwu Nuwa Muri Koo Fai) is characteristically green. The third, The Enchanted Lake (Tiwu Ata Polo)  can often be blood red.

Over the years, the three crater lakes have often change color. At present, one of the lakes is black-brown. One is green and one is currently changing from green to a reddish color.

A phenomenon of changed color cause by the geological and chemical processed in the bottom and walls of the lakes. It could also have resulted from changes in the bacteria and micro organism population due to changes in temperature.

The eruption of 1928 caused many victims and much damage. In 1938 there was another eruption coming from the lakes. The biggest in 1968, in which the water in the lakes was shot 10 meters high into the sky. 

Mount Kelimutu with tri colored crater lakes is probably the most amazing natural phenomenon in Flores. Beyond that, the steaming mountain is also most famous as mythical haunted place. Kelimutu itself means ‘Boiling Lake’ and often visitors can see wreathes of steam rise from the surface of the lakes.

Kelimutu is a beautiful place at any time of the day. However, the best time to enjoy this magical place is in the early morning when the clouds haven’t yet covered the view. Many people prefer to see the sunrise.

The visitors are never quite sure what color the lake will be when they reach to the top. The colors you see maybe blue, green and black or change to white, red or blue.

Mount Kelimutu is situated in an eponymous National Park on The Island of Flores. Although the island is 350 kilometers in length the park itself is small, however the small farming village of Moli which is lies near of the volcano is often used as a base camp to trek to the crest of Kelimutu.

There are daily flights from Denpasar Bali and Kupang Nusa Tenggara Timur to Maumere in Flores Island. Buses to Ende from Maumere will pass Moni a closest small town lying at the foot of Mount Kelimutu. They call the buses Bis Kayu or Oto Kol (the wooden pick up truck). From there, we must walk 30 minutes along to the mountain side or take an ojek (motorbike taxi), car or public transportation to take us to a parking lot before Kelimutu’s peak.

The Mountain is located at the back of Mount Kelibara in Wolowaru district. Koanara in Wolowaru sub district is closest village to Kelimutu. And Moni is the closest small town lying at the foot of Mount Kelimutu.

Moni features simplicity that sometimes only backpackers can accept. If you wish to have a better sleep, there are some hotels and guesthouses prepared comfort bed in Maumere or Ende.

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